2/28/2025 - Launch Day!

The World After the Kickstarter

All things happens for a reason. The Kickstarter failed but that’s okay! What we have of the game so far is in the PDF attached to this game, work will continue to get done on it with two updates a week until it’s complete.

It’s $20, as it was in the Kickstarter but right now there were two sales to help the lower the price for everyone. This link is for 50% but it only works if you already own Crowns first edition: https://itch.io/s/148704/crowns-2e-launch-sale

This link is for 10% and it applies to everyone else: https://itch.io/s/148705/crowns-2e-launch-sale

These sales will continue all throughout March.

New Art

Every week we get new art from our amazing artist Inked Gas! Here’s some of his new items this week:

Major Changes

Armor no longer reduces damage, it just reduces the power of the attack. Stacking armor increases the dice you roll. I think it will simplify things a lot with more, we’ll see. It may still need some tweaking.

Spells have been revamped to be more like 1st edition. You roll several dice and add them together, rolling your LOR is a critical success (keeping the system from getting jumbled up). Only if you roll over your LOR is the grimoire depleted.

Re-arranged the sections of the book to be more player friendly. Most of the player facing material has been moved up to the front.

What's Coming Up

  • More art every week
  • Finishing out the spell list
  • Finishing out the Bestiary
  • Crafting the random Region and random Dungeon pages

Don't Forget!

Join the Discord

Play the Game

Read the Blog

Open tables throughout the week, every week! Here are the upcoming playtest dates:

  • Aketon, Tomb of the Serpent Kings, Tuesday, March 4th, American Afternoon-Evening REOCCURING
  • Crowns 2e, The Abbey Lost to the Trees, Friday, March 7th, American Morning-Noon

For exact times go to the #⁠playtest-zone in the Discord

All games take place in the same shared world, carry characters, items, and knowledge between adventures Become a Seeker by reacting in ⁠start-here to get notifications about upcoming playtests, new playtests every week!

Thank you so much for reading!

until next time…

Good Luck on your Adventures!

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Excited to see what is coming! Small comment: the "double" and "single" documents arte both "double".