1/8/2022 - Feat Card Release!

Feat Cards!

That’s right! The digital release of the Feat Cards is here! Just follow this link and you will be taken to their page: https://pixelamerica.itch.io/crowns-feat-cards

For those of you who don’t know what feat cards are, it’s simple. Every feat in the game has been given its own unique piece of card art along with its rules written on a card back. You can hand these to your players during the game to help them remember what their feats are during play.

On top of that, instead of rolling for your character’s star sign, they can instead draw a series of feat cards to determine their sign, birth month, mannerisms, and their relationships in the party. If you don’t have the cards, that’s okay too! There’s a table on the back that allow for you to roll a d66 instead of drawing cards, giving you roughly the same experience.

Check it out at the link below!


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