11/30/2024 - The Lighthouse

Whispers and musings echo against the pitted cobbles of this place,

Deeds that must be done, and rewards to be earned…

The call to adventure, music to the ears of the valiant and the mad alike,

We need only have the strength to take up arms and listen…

Join the Party!

The Second Edition of Crowns is nearly done and I wanted to do some last second playtesting along with a fun community campaign like the one I ran a few years ago before taking a hiatus for Basic Training.

The setting dark fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, the new 2e rules are totally free on the discord (just select “yes I wanna be a beta-tester” to get access to the #beta-test-announce chat, download them from there), and its beginner friendly. Not just to the system, but to OSR RPGs as a hobby.

The Lighthouse

The players are wanderers, treasure seekers, and roustabouts that have gathered at an ancient abbey seeing it as the only point of safety this far on into the Frontier. It’s long since been abandoned by its original owners, but an ever-light exists in the sky above, warding away creatures of the night.

Every week there will be new rumors and whispers to explore (quests to go on essentially), posted on my blog. Here’s the first set. Gather together a party and set out for adventure!

Every month there will be a new event (a pilgrims caravan passes through offering temple services for the month, or the ever-light shines brighter so dangerous random encounters are reduced, or a shadow creeps over the Deadmire and if not stopped within the month something bad will happen). December’s event is soon to be revealed so join the game and have some fun in the OSR!

The Sale

Currently there’s a Crowns 1e sale going on right now! It applies to physical copies, so now is a great time to get the zine if you haven’t already.

Get Crowns RPG, OSR Fantasy

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